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How To Obtain And Install X11 For Mac

In X terminology, I believe you want to run a Mac client from a Linux server. So you certainly don't need to install an X server on the Mac. What you do need to do, as mentioned in the hint at macosxhints.com, is edit /etc/sshdconfig on the Mac from #X11Forwarding no to X11Forwarding yes If the Mac runs 10.4 or later, that's all. 'ssh -X you@yourmac /usr/X11/bin/xterm' will now work. If the Mac is still running 10.2 or maybe 10.3 then you have a fair bit more work to configure sshd to load the X11 authentication cookies, because back then the sshd program included in OSX didn't know about the xauth program included in OSX.

IIRC, you needed to recompile sshd or use xauth manually.

Setup a New Mac for Astronomy Getting Started If you're a scientist with a new Apple computer, read on. This page assumes you want to write scripts, reduce data, plot results, work with LaTeX, and give presentations, among other handy things.


This is not a tutorial. As a brief introduction: Mac's operating system is called 'OS X' or now 'macOS'. It is a version of BSD Unix with a fancy graphical interface. Because unix is the engine, you can use your favorite linux tools, plus prettier programs written for Macs.

Many of these apps are large files and will take a while to download. You should be on a good internet connection and allow at least a couple hours to complete the entire setup. Find out which you have. Click the apple in the upper lefthand corner of your screen, and choose 'About This Mac.' Change Shell - bash or tsch Default is bash and is recommended. To change your default shell, look under 'System Preferences' and open the 'Users & Groups' panel.

If the padlock icon in the lower left corner is locked, click on it and authenticate. Then right click (or Ctrl-click, or two-finger tap) on your user account in the account list on the left hand side. Select the 'Advanced Options' option when it appears. Change your 'Login Shell' setting by selecting or typing '/bin/tcsh'. Don't change anything else in here, these are dangerous settings. Testing: Start up the 'Terminal' application, and type 'echo $SHELL'.

A full logout / login or system reboot may be needed for the shell change to register in Xquartz / X11. Speaking of which. XQuartz & X11 X11 is the standard linux graphical window environment and most astronomical software (and anything written for li/unix) requires X11. Terminal is built-in and will work for basic commands, but X11 is required for graphics. The XQuartz project is an open-source effort to develop a version of the that runs on OS X. OS 10.8, 10.9, 10.12: Download (70 MB) OS 10.7 and earlier: X11 is already pre-installed.

You may wish to install Xquartz anyway (link above). To initiate an X11 session: Launch XQuartz from Applications/Utilities. You will then be able to launch xterm instances from the 'Applications' menu.

XCode: Command Line Tools + Compilers XCode includes the standard C compiler (gcc) and command line tools (e.g., make, tar, gzip, vi) that are necessary so that you can use the terminal's full suite of commands as you would in a linux enivornment. OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.12:.

Install (1.5 GB) from the App Store. (The App Store should be available as an icon in your Dock.).

Install Command Line Tools. 10.9: Command Line xcode-select -install. 10.8:.

How to obtain and install x11 for mac os x

Launch XCode from Applications. Go to XCode 'Preferences Downloads Components' and install the 'Command Line Tools.' . Restart your Mac. 10.12. xcode-select -install.

Agree to Xcode license in Terminal: sudo xcodebuild -license. Additional help with XCode installation and its many uses is here:. (Optional) Install a standard Fortran compiler, (38 MB). Download and move to /usr/local/bin OS X 10.6 and Earlier:.

Install Apple's binary version of gcc: Insert the DVD/CD that came with your computer into the drive. Use Finder to search the disk for 'XcodeTools.mpkg'. Double-click to install. This gives you gcc, Java, and many other developer tools.

How To Obtain And Install X11 For Mac

To learn more, read 'About Xcode Tools.pdf' on your install disc. Test the install by checking the gcc install via the command line. which gcc /usr/bin/gcc gcc i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2: no input files MacPorts Now would be a good time to (via package) and start downloading and compiling your favorite MacPorts packages. Check out the for an introduction, overview, and usage pointers. Each package gets installed (along with its dependencies) via 'sudo port install ', and you can list available packages by search string via 'port search '. Here is a list of likely packages:. emacs +x11 (assuming you want the X11-savvy version).

aspell and aspell-dict-en. texlive. R. wget and gv and xv and/or gimp.

xfig and GraphicsMagick Python macOS 10.12: We recommend installing and (optionally with IRAF support). OS 10.8, 10.9: See the page via the group for discussion - they recommend. With a little more work and a lot more time (everything compiled from source),. Finally, you may want to consider a install, which includes Python 2.7, the most popular scientific Python tools, pyraf, and IRAF. Under the default Ureka setup, you will only have access to the Python tools in a given login session after running the 'ursetup' script. If you want these tools to be available by default, you should call the script from within your.cshrc or equivalent startup file. Test your Ureka installation: ursetup which python /Applications/Ureka/variants/common/bin/python ipython In: import astropy IRAF/PyRAF.

The recommended way to get Python + IRAF + PyRAF (stscipython) is to install Ureka (see above), an easy-to-install binary distribution from STScI and Gemini. You can find more information and installation instructions here:. Click on the link for the latest version (not the development version). IRAF 2.16 is included with Ureka. Not Recommended (because it's not trivial): install IRAF from.

10.12: IRAF can be optionally install with AstroConda (only python 2.7). Other Astronomical Software. can be installed via MacPorts (sudo port install ds9).

Here is an for getting DS9 to play with PyRAF/IRAF (unverified recipe: include export XPAMETHOD=local in.bashrc or setenv XPAMETHOD local in.csrhc ). H viewer is handy for visualizing FITS files. Skycalc, by John Thorstensen, provides almanac, ephemeris, and airmass information, invaluable for planning observing runs. That runs on any platform, and has. Also available as., PyMC, or emcee for Bayesian statistical analysis.

IDL See the. LaTeX Via MacPorts: 'sudo port install texlive' is the command you're looking for. Further discussion at the App Store for Astronomy See the dedicated for suggestions DS9 X11 Hints. Mac native version is updated now (as of June 2015), but if it falls off again the below can give you easier integration with Finder and the like via an Automator app you create yourself after installing DS9 via MacPorts (or whatever). These instructions assume you installed via MacPorts, so change the first line of the bash snippet to whatever you need. Tested in 10.7.5 and again in 10.9.5.

Launch Automator. Choose a document type as 'Application'. Choose an action: Library - Utilities - Run Shell Script. At the top, change the 'Pass Inputs' type to 'as arguments'.

Paste the following into the code box (removing whatever's in that box to begin with). Fi. Save it (File - Save) somewhere with a nice name (such as DS9) in /Applications (or you can save it somewhere in your home dir and drag it in).

Find a FITS file and open the 'Get Info' pane. Choose to Open with Other. And select the DS9 thing you've saved from step #7, click 'Add', then 'Change All.'

To associate all.FITS files with ds9. Additional hint: If you're adapting this to work with some other X11 app, you might need to set other environment variables; Spyder required LANG to be set, otherwise some things (e.g. Astropy.io.fits) would fail with a locale error. Selecting multiple FITS files to open opens them as seperate frames, and launching it via the Applications menu (such as in your dock) opens ds9 by itself. Setup printers.

Configure for printing from the command line with lpr. (Following commands modify /.cups/lpoptions) Set default printer: lpoptions -d Make duplex printing default: lpoptions -p -o sides=two-sided-long-edge Tweaks to Taste. Show hidden files. 10.9 - in Terminal, execute this command then restart : defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 1. 10.8 and earlier defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder. If you're converting to a Mac from a Linux system, the behavior of home, end, pg up, and pg down are probably driving you absolutely insane in a terminal.

How To Obtain And Install X11 For Mac Free

Fixed it for me, in the terminal at least. (tested in OS X 10.7.x). Swap Control and Caps Lock Key: Easier on the fingers for emacs/unix users. System Preferences - Keyboard and Mouse - Keyboard - Modifier Keys. Just switch the two with a drop down box. Still needed in 10.8?

Enable X11 Click Through:. In a terminal, do the following:. 10.5.5 or later: defaults write org.x.X11 wmclickthrough -bool true. earlier than 10.5.5: defaults write.com.apple.x11 wmclickthrough -bool true Old Stuff (Only relevant for 10.4 or earlier). IRAF at, If you need to IRAF for PowerPC and 10.4, use. Install (10.4 Tiger Only) In Tiger, and on PPC macs, this gives you a multiple desktop option. Will replace this in Leopard and I don't think Desktop Manager is Universal.

Note: Most of the non-Apple virtual desktop programs are going away, due to Spaces (such as ). X11 on Leopard 10.5 is very different than on Tiger 10.4 and may cause some issues. Options include installing Tiger's X11 or installing some patches. The latest X11 patches from XDarwin appear to fix the majority of the issues with the possible exception of X11 full screen mode. Setup a 3-button Mouse: This sets up right click and paste with middle mouse button in Terminal/X11. System Preferences - Keyboard and Mouse - Mouse.

Set left button to Primary Button. Set middle (scroller) button to Button 3. Set right button to Secondary Button.

Install X11: If you have OS X 10.4 or earlier, you can install X11 from the DVD or CDs that came with your computer. To do this, insert the install disk and user Finder to search for 'X11User.pkg'. (Finder is the blue happy face in the Dock.) Double-click on X11User.pkg, and X11 should install.

How To Obtain And Install X11 For Mac Os X

Page last modified on Tuesday 27 of September, 2016 13:53:32 EDT.